Soft skills

Success story – The Iraqi researcher Moataz Muwafaq Salman

Author: Achref Chibani

Achref Chibani shines a light on the prize-winning Iraqi scientist Moataz Muwafaq Salman.
Moataz Salman img



Iraqi researcher Moataz Muwafaq Salman won the “Best Young Scientist in Neurosciences” award for the year 2022 which is presented by the International Organisation of Neurochemistry. The senior researcher and lecturer in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at the University of Oxford, UK, won the award in recognition of his research in neuroscience and his work on identifying new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, using innovative technologies. 


Moataz obtained a bachelor's degree from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Mosul in 2007. He is currently going to great lengths to establish channels of communication between Oxford University and Iraqi universities, with the aim of setting up cooperation and scientific research agreements, as well as providing research fellowship opportunities for Iraqi researchers.

Jan 31, 2024

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