Romanian building in Sulaymania (not historic)


History & Civilisation




Old city of Babel 2

The history of Iraq is a continuous story of all peoples, rich in culture and heritage. Located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Iraq is the heart of Mesopotamia, proudly remembering a history spanning thousands of years and leaving its mark on the development of civilization today. Next came the Akkadians who were the first to create the postal service and the roads that connected the cities, the Babylonians who were the creators of mathematics, astronomy and law, and the Assyrians who developed their great power. 

Shanasheel al Basra

There are many famous landmarks in Iraqi history and the world, including Hatra, the ancient city of Uri, and the Erbil Citadel. In Iraq, religions such as Islam, Christianity, and Yazidis, as well as different ethnic groups such as Arabs, Kurds, and Turkmen, are striving to embrace the flames of history, development, and the world, find hope, and light the way for the next generation. till tomorrow. future.

Cuneiform writing

From Sumer to Baghdad: A Timeline Through Millennia in Iraq's History (3500 BCE - 1920 CE)
