
Political Communication and Media


Man reading newspaper

In Iraq, political communication and media play crucial roles in shaping public opinion and promoting democracy within a complex socio-political landscape. Since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, the country has experienced a dynamic media environment, witnessing a proliferation of diverse outlets spanning from television to online platforms. 


Nevertheless, challenges endure, such as political interference, censorship, and security threats that hinder the unrestricted flow of information. The media serves as a vital instrument for political actors to connect with the public, yet it also mirrors the broader challenges related to press freedom and impartial reporting, which are indispensable for a flourishing democratic discourse in Iraq.


Freedom Of Expression Online In Iraq

Freedom Of Expression Online In Iraq
free speech
Organisation: Tech4Peace

This policy brief provides an overview of the current regulations regarding online freedom of expression in Federal Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), as well as the challenges facing the country in promoting freedom of expression and free access to information online.