Culture & Society
Sabian Mandaeans in Iraq

The Mandaean or Sabian sect is one of the oldest religions in Iraq, with its roots extending back more than two thousand years to Mesopotamia. The Mandaeans, who were classified by the 2015 constitution in Iraq a minority, practise various professions, most of which are craftsmanship, e.g. blacksmithing, carpentry, and goldsmithing.
The followers of this sect are not only to be found in the capital Baghdad, but also spread in other cities, most notably Maysan, Nasiriyah, Basra, and Diwaniyah.
The Mandaeans celebrate four religious holidays annually: “Brunaya (Feast of Creation)”, “Dahfa Dimana (Golden Baptism Day)”, “Dahfa Rabbah (The Great Feast)”, and “Dahfa Hanina (Feast of Prosperity)”.
Jan 31, 2024