

Elbarlament is a peacebuilding and democracy support organisation with a focus on empowering women and youth. They operate under two legal identities, a limited company (elbarlament GmbH) and a non-profit association (elbarlament e.V.). Their mission is to spread cultures of democracy, promote good governance, and create tailor-made solutions for people, institutions, and communities. Elbarlament cooperates with parliaments, governments, civil society actors, and international institutions, implementing projects and delivering consulting services in multiple languages. They work in various thematic fields such as arts and culture, civic education, environment and climate change, and women, peace, and security. Elbarlament follows a unique approach that integrates conflict sensitivity, cultural awareness, and intersectionality

elbarlament is a peacebuilding and democracy support organisation, with a special focus on empowering women and youth. We follow a unique approach that integrates conflict sensitivity, cultural awareness and intersectionality.

We believe in the transformative power of culture and the arts as well as inclusive dialogue, especially in contexts of state fragility.


We follow a conflict-sensitive and gender transformative approach in supporting locally-owned reform agendas, combining arts-based tools for peacebuilding and civic education with more classical tools like technical assistance.