
Moja Organisation

Moja is a Non-governmental organisation founded in 2013 by university students in Najaf city. It aims to create a brighter future for Iraq, upholding values of freedom, justice, and equality. Operating amidst critical times of conflict and political instability, Moja works to protect individual rights and preserve diversity under the rule of law. The organisation operates locally and internationally, advocating for justice, raising awareness of human rights violations, and providing support to victims of violence and discrimination. Despite the challenges and risks involved, Moja plays a crucial role in promoting a just society and defending the fundamental rights of all Iraqis.

Headquarters: Najaf city - Al-Ameer Neighborhood

Website: https://mojateam.org

Email: info@mojateam.org

Tel.: 0781 603 4345 

Moja’s vision is of an Iraq where the fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens are respected, protected and promoted, and where democratic values and practices are deeply ingrained in its political, social and cultural fabric. We envision a society where Our organization strives to work towards this vision by empowering communities, promoting dialogue, advocating for policy change, and fostering partnerships with civil society, government and international actors committed to the cause of human rights and democracy.

Promoting and protecting human rights and democracy in Iraq through advocacy, education, and outreach. We believe that every individual deserves respect and dignity regardless of their background or status, and we strive to create a safe and inclusive society where all voices are heard and valued, all while maintaing the highest standards of inclusivity and diversity with a complete focus on collaboration and partnership to achieve our mission and maximize our impact.